School Events

Eco Club Activity

Dated : Jul 26, 2019

The ECO club Students (Terra) of Navkis (grade 7 & 8) were taken by 8.30am to the Jakkur lake premises where the Jalaposhana  Organisers  greeted  the group.

There were two guides to explain the activities taken up by the Organisers to improve and conserve the lake. (Mrs.Annapoorna was the main guide)

Few teachers accompanied the students who were divided into two groups & monitored by a guide each.

A briefing about Jakkuru &  the  lake

Jakkuru is a suburb  in the northern part of Bangalore , Karnataka located on the eastern side of the national highway 44 between Yelahanka & Hebbal. This area is well known for the Jakkur Aerodrome & the Jakkur Lake.

The area of the Jakkur lake is 160 acre land. It was constructed two centuries ago to cater the water requirement of the Jakkuru Village.

Being highly polluted by sewage and waste, the Lake was revived by treating in 2005.

Now the “ Jalaposhana Community”  run by the citizens and Residents  of the area, maintains the Jakkur lake through community funding to support the conservation of the Lake.

The monitoring of the lake is done by the BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) in collaboration with the BWSSB (Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board) & the KSPCB (Kanataka State Pollution Control Board).


The following observations were made by the Terra team during the site visit:

  • The Bio diversity is well maintained.
  • Permaculture where plants and animals are interdependent, the living and non living surroundings, its stability, diversity & resilience of natural Ecosystem are followed.
  • Storm water drain and integrated waste management is done. Regular water supply of treated water enters the lake. The wet land with the water hyacinth is grown to filter the dirty water, later the good water is let into the lake. As a result the fairly clean water recharges the ground water and fills up the open wells and bore wells around the area.
  • Lakes are interconnected. When rain water over flows it reaches the Jakkur lake and then goes down stream to another lake. Series of lakes are connected to  solve the water crisis of the people living in the connected areas. The water from Yelahanka lake enters the Jakkur lake and reaches to Rachenahalli. Jakkur lake comes under Yellamallappa chetty lake series where 17 lakes are connected.
  • Red listed and endangered species of plants are grown there. Medicinal plants/trees  like honge (seeds used for Eczema as well as oil/fuel, Brahmi (used for memory power and hair growth), Arjunarishta (used for heart ailments) & cotton plants, passion fruits, Singapore cherry etc. were seen there.
  • There was  a  fishermen’s Dock from which side, the fishermen set the nets in the night and pull them at dawn and the varieties of fishes got  almost 100 kgs per day will be sold through agents.
  • Opposite to the  conservation zone is the area where edible vegetables will be grown for the usage of the community people who take care of the lake.
  • Small Islands are created for the migratory birds. Other birds  like koot, Pelicans, kingfishers, ducks, water fowls, heron etc. were seen there.

Finally the Team had a good stroll of 45 minutes. The walking experience in between the slushy clayey mud was unusual & time taking. 

Thanking the guides and donating the voluntary contribution collected from Terra team & Navkis, the Terra group reached School by 11.25am.

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