Inter House


Investiture Ceremony 2024-25

“Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.” In order to scale the heights and reach the pinnacle of success, Navkis educational Centre, Gokula, Bangalore, always strives to inculcate a sense of responsibility and commitment among the students with their heads held high, ready to shoulder responsibilities as leaders. On July 2, 2024, we proudly hosted our annual Investiture Ceremony, a momentous event marking the induction of the newly elected student leaders.

The Elections for the Student Council of NEC is on the anvil for the academic year 2022-23

The Elections for the Student Council of NEC is on the anvil for the academic year 2021-22

Annual Sports - Grade IV

Annual Sports Dodge Ball Finals for Grade IV

Democratic Elections

School Elections 2019-20

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